“My name—Agapi, which in Greek means “unconditional love” paved the tracks that were mine to follow, the path of living with a loving, open heart. I invite you to share my story in my new book Unbinding the Heart out on Feb. 1st.”
“Eat, dance, make love, nap, tell people how we really feel, argue, make up, give, and then give some more.”
“So many souls have a spirit of courage & generosity & an unshakable trust in life that in the face of adversity, soar even higher. Are you one?”
“Most of our transformations come when we didn’t get what we thought we wanted only to get something better than we could have imagined.”
“There are no happy endings, because there are no endings, but continuous beginnings to discover the miraculous truth of who we are.”
“Our golden opportunity is in every moment of every day as the question-Do I shut down or do I choose to open up one more time, even deeper?”
“How would your life be if you lived with a heart fully open and free and you knew that your story mattered?”
“Synchronicity is in my DNA and yours too. What gifts or miracles have you received from synchronicity recently?”
“Synchronicity is the manifestation of connections below the surface so we remember that the Divine is always at work within us and for us.”
“We are all in the dance together. When our hearts are open, we allow love to move through us and transform our steps so each one is perfect.”
“Synchronicity is the thread that holds our whole gorgeous tapestry of everyone’s lives together.”
“True giving and receiving arise from the same free and generous source in us.”
“It is important to receive in a spirit of abundance rather than of need—to ask for help with a simple trust that help is always there.”
“Don’t go into the world wanting. Go thinking about what you can give.””
“What if asking for help was not a sign of weakness or a source of the slightest discomfort, who could you ask to help you?”
“Embrace the impossible as possible.”
“My mother would say, ‘When you worry, you’re moving yourself away from your center, and it’s much harder to function effectively. When you stop worrying, you come back into balance.’ How do you release worry and come back into balance?”
“Validating and affirming each other is such an easy way to open our own hearts.”
“The truest validation we can ever have is being seen for the value of who we are, just as we are.”
“Honor and acknowledge that part of us that can never be taken away or lost.”
“The world will do what the world will do, but when we are feeling validated, it’s remarkable how the world starts to reflect that back to us .”
“I believe, I know, I am a child of God and Goddess. So are you.”
“Step beyond your fears and follow what you know in your heart is right.”
“We never know how high we are / Till we are asked to rise.” –EMILY DICKINSON
“We feel that in order to function in the world, we have to put aside some deeply imperfect, human part of ourselves. But ultimately, the only way to make these parts perfect is to accept them with love and compassion.”
“To be more fulfilled and at peace within ourselves, we have to restore all parts of us and welcome them home. The world can only seem a safe place when we feel safe inside.”
“KEEP GOING ON AT ALL COSTS. Where are you committed in your life to keep going on even among challenges?”
“All we need to do is leap into the knowledge that our hearts are so huge they can embrace disappointments & transform them into victories.”
“When we act in the belief that this is our only chance or only person as what we want, we limit our possibilities—which are otherwise infinite.”
“Hidden agendas are very heavy and often block real intimacy. Can you be courageous and more direct, open and vulnerable in your own heart?”
“If you want to have a healthy, happy relationship with a partner, you have one with yourself first. Take yourself out on a date today.”
“Plato’s ‘divine design’ is the idea that every person is destined for a unique task that no one else can accomplish but you. What’s yours?”
“Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.” –SAINT CATHERINE OF SIENA
“Energy follows thought and connects you to the secrets of the unlimited universe.”
“Even when it looks like there are no taxis anywhere in sight, or no spaces in the parking lot—or whatever we think is missing in our lives— our beliefs are more powerful than any man-made signs, and there is always space for us, if we choose to claim it.”
“My dream is for each of us to find our creative expression and realize it to its fullest extent and to be totally used up by life and by God.”
“There’s a difference between wanting and longing. Longing is about attachment and attachment creates suffering. It grabs on to things with long, long tentacles, and it suffocates our enjoyment of life. Wanting is about information and opportunity. If you get clear about what you want and why, then you can go about finding ways to create it and enjoy what you desire.”
“Be careful if longing comes between you and the object of your desire. It can be a defense mechanism, keeping us from risking disappointment if we try and fail. But it’s when we let go of longing that our dreams really come within reach.”
“Sometimes it’s as simple as taking the next step, holding the vision of where we’re going, and trusting that the path will take us there.”
“It’s like driving a car at night. You never see further than your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way.”-E. L. DOCTOROW
“The warm and loving presence of Spirit is everywhere. There is no place we can go where that presence is not.”
“Spirit meets us where we are, in any place and in any moment.”
“When we shed light on the patterns that bind us we liberate ourselves & remember that we hold the remote control & can change the channel.”
“Every other part of us grows by receiving—our body, our emotions, and our minds—but our heart grows by giving.”
“Unconditional giving is possible anywhere and at any time.”
“Each time we are open to someone else’s needs and we give unconditionally from the heart, life becomes richer and more full of meaning.”
“That’s the great secret: when we give unconditionally, our own hearts are filled.”
“When we give unconditionally we discover the hidden abundance that is all around us.”
“How do we face the things that we think we can’t face? We have to turn to our pain & go straight in, because the only way out is through.”
“We don’t need to worry that we’ll get stuck in the hurting places, as long we look directly at what we see there and call it by its name.”
“When we are honest w/ourselves about what is hidden in that closed and secret place we dislodge the pain that keeps our hearts bound.”
“In Greece when you ask people how they are, the answer is never, ‘I’m fine.’ No one is ever ‘fine.’ They take the time to be specific about their emotional states, so they usually respond with ‘I’m happy’ or ‘I’m worried’ or ‘I’m tired today’ or ‘I am furious!’ So…how are you today?”
“Ultimately, the deepest pain in our hearts comes from the things we hold against ourselves, when our hearts ache from the judgments we make.”
“When we make ourselves wrong for the way we feel or the way we are, we bind our hearts.”
“We owe it to ourselves to invoke compassion and free ourselves from those judgments. And to do that, we need to feel our pain, cry our tears, and forgive our faults.”
“1-800-GO-INSIDE The line to our heart is always open. We just have to call.”
“We all struggle to let the gate open. We are all holding on to something that separates us from our heart. But if we can go inside and find that something—and it takes courage to reveal it to ourselves, recognize it, and heal it—we may discover that our hearts are always accessible. It takes a shift in awareness and a willingness to let go. If we can let go of whatever holds us back from loving ourselves just the way we are—all of our faults, all those thoughts that undermine us, all those feelings of not being good enough—the gate will open all by itself.”
“When we love someone, we so want to be there holding that gate open—but each of us has to lift the latch for ourselves.”
“What does it really mean to take care of ourselves? How do we find where our energy is leaking? Where do we start? Sleep!”
“Sometimes it’s easier to be generous with others than with ourselves—but being kind and compassionate with ourselves always gives a great return on our investment.”
“We can course-correct, we can grow and learn, experience and explore, discover and discern what’s right for us and what is not. But there is nothing to fix.”
“Like the world around us, we are perfectly imperfect just the way we are the highest form of caring is really to step back and give others space to go through what they have to go through. It’s presumptuous to think that other people can’t handle what they’re given. We all have a lot more resources than we know.”
“To know thyself is also to meet yourself in the unknown, the invisible, the unspoken. Take time to let that speak to you. Leave spaces in your busyness for that silent, true self to be heard. And don’t listen too closely to what your false self tries to whisper in your other ear. Your false self is the master of distortion. It throws out hooks and you bite, and then it reels you in and has its way with you. It pulls you down paths that are not your own, and you feel wobbly on them, as if you were walking in someone else’s shoes.”
“The real self patiently watches you until you step aside to let it lead. You may connect with it in a moment of silence or in a moment of listening to someone else. You may find it when you speak your truth against all odds, or when you’re doing something ordinary, like cooking a meal or cleaning the floors or taking a walk. When you are there for someone who has less than you, when you hear more than what people are saying, when you take off the mask of your image—that is when the true self shows its face.” our spiritual self, which wants to be free to create, give, and serve, and to let go of anything that separates us from one another or divides our own hearts.”
“Know thy self, and I mean all of it. Your true self and your false self. Get to know it all—the doubt, the shame, the guilt, the lack and the selfpity, the lust and the jealousy, the greed and the pride. It’s part of your human nature. And let the other parts of your self, the kindness, loving, compassion, clarity, and wisdom, come through.”
“There is a fearlessness that lives in you.”
“You are the keeper of the keys to yourself.”
“Be the eternal student. Know the things you know and admit the things you do not know. Don’t take things for granted. Ask the questions. When you go to sleep, ask where you go and who keeps your heart beating and who brings you through the night. Keep a journal by your side in case you get an answer.”
“Be in awe that you walk on the earth that revolves around the sun, right under your feet, as you walk to work wondering how your stocks are doing. Some other force is moving that earth and that sun and those feet. And as you get in the elevator, worrying about how your day will be, about meeting your deadlines and confronting your colleagues and whether your spouse still loves you and how your kids will get through school, wonder also at how all those things are connected and how you are connected to the whole.”
“Do you think you are your insecurities? For the gods’ sake— you are the miracle of life itself!”
“Go shake up a few more minds and hearts.”
“Forgiveness is one of the greatest gifts we can give, simply because it releases withheld love—love we’ve been keeping from others and from ourselves.”
“If we want to feel more love in our lives—and who doesn’t?—forgiveness is the surest way.”
“Forgive yourself for what you did or didn’t do, for things that happened and things that didn’t happen. Forgive yourself for what you think is going to happen in the future. Forgive yourself all the judgments you make about others when they don’t act the way you want them to act; forgive the judgments you’ve made on your own life. Do this over and over again, because a loving spirit needs constant attention.”
“Don’t Miss the Moment.”
“I made a promise to tell my story, so that my story might help others to remember that our true home is inside ourselves and that it is worth everything we go through to return there. And even when we think we have lost the way and the port is nowhere in sight, the loving part in us is waiting, loyal and patient like Penelope, for our return home. That part is the compass that never loses its way, even when we do.”
“Before the inexplicable mystery of the universe, we are all the village fools. But in our choice to reveal our hearts to ourselves and to each other, we can all be masters and healers. We can be each other’s pathfinders, hold the ladder for each other to climb higher than we can alone, open doors that we cannot open on our own, be each other’s lighthouses on our journey home, and realize that we are safe and never alone. And then our life on earth can be transformed.”
“Everyday we can recommit our visions, rekindle our enthusiasm, let go of what no longer serves us and reclaim our strengths.”
“Let’s fill our hearts with gratitude for the miracles of our lives. What are you grateful for?”
“My prayer for us is that not one ounce of our precious energy be wasted in anything less than the positivity of who we are, and how much good we can do and offer to the world. No matter how big the challenges, grace is always mightier.”
“One of the most self-binding and defeating, hazardous habits that many of us have is the tendency to compare ourselves to others.”
“Comparing ourselves to others stands between us and our authentic selves, distracts us from being present and from engaging in life in a meaningful way.”
“When we listen to this internal critic, we never feel we have or are enough.”
“When we embrace the uniqueness of who we truly are, perfectly imperfect, flaws and all, then there is no room for comparison.”
“It’s all about celebrating the wonder of our own ‘-iness.’ When I am fully in my ‘Agapiness,’ joys spills out of me, and nothing else matters.”
“If we can focus ourselves on becoming the best we can be, rather than trying to be better than others, we will have no reason to compare.”
“As we filter out that critical voice and become more present, we gradually build the muscle of confidence.”
“The real question isn’t how gifted a person is, but how a person is gifted.”
“When we shift our attention away from ourselves and compare us to others, we abandon ourselves and deny our joy and enthusiasm.”
“A person could do the anything, even the dishes, and feel enlightened, if they did so with enough presence and devotion.”
“By letting go of comparisons, we step into the leading role of our own life. Who are we to say whose part is bigger than the other?”
“Rather than looking outside yourself to find something, look inside yourself and give something.”
“The more we spontaneously give, the more connected and enriched we will feel.”
“If we live in a state of offering — always looking to give — life blesses us and we feel more at peace with who we are and what we have.”
“As we allow ourselves to reach out unconditionally, our hearts unbind and we feel blessed as we bless others with our giving.”
“Loneliness is caused when we suppress and censor our true feelings, which happens when we do not feel supported and encouraged to express our vulnerable side.”
“Loneliness is caused when we suppress and censor our true feelings, which happens when we do not feel supported and encouraged to express our vulnerable side.”
“Opening ourselves to what our loneliness has to express can become a bridge to our heart.”
“Our hearts need to know that we are a part of the global human experience, that when we can enrich each other’s lives with our different cultures, the things that separate us disappear. It is in those moments when we come together that we remember that we are not alone.”
“We are all like islands in the sea, separated on the surface, but connected in the deep.”–WILLIAM JAMES